Monday, March 30, 2015

22 March - The time is too far spent!

Time is surely going by very quickly. I don't have much more with Elder Hann before he goes home to Scottland! Boy he has been a great companion for me. I have learned a lot from him and he certainly loves all those that he meets. The picture is him resting near the end of his 2 years of service. Pretty great picture. :D

This week tested our patience at times. It was difficult to really find people available to teach. We think it is because of a bit of a festival that they do called "poly fest". This is pretty important to the islander culture here. I have not been to it but all I know is that it is a big celebration where all the different Islander cultures come together and do all of their different dances. Pretty fun!

Sunday in particular was a big day. The ward that I am serving in got a new Bishop. That was a bit of a surprise, but yet very exciting, I will miss working with our old Bishop though because he was a great selfless hard working man. To put it into words though change is good! A lot of the members where quite shocked. None the less that Sunday Jodie came to church as she usually does. It was really great to see her. We where finally able to have her stay for the 2nd hour class. I have been very concerned as to why she does not come to the other classes, but it turns out that she is just simply very shy! Elder Hann and I where quite happy to find her concern there because we then knew that we needed to introduce her to more of the members of the ward so they don't feel like outsiders in a sense. She is doing well with the word of wisdom and this weekend Saturday she will be baptized! Lot's of planning to do indeed! She enjoyed the lesson we had. We taught a really powerful but simple lesson on the Plan of Salvation.

This week we also had one of our "former investigators come to church. Her name is Lesly and she truly has a wonderful heart. Several sets of Elders have been through to teach her, however she is unable to be baptized because she is not married. (That is a big problem here in NZ... well the world really) Anyways we have always stopped by her home every week and tried to teach some principle to keep her strong. She has an amazing testimony of the gospel and reads the scriptures on her own at times. At first we where not really getting anywhere when we taught her or visited her. However, she watched talk given by President Thomas S. Monson and she told us about it and how she felt about it. needless to say she want's to baptized and have the gift of the Gift of the Holy Ghost. She basically committed her self to come to church. She told us at church (we where so happy to see her there!) that her partner was not in a good mood that morning, but despite all that, he dropped his guard, and let her go. Gary her partner is a real nice guy. We have spoken with him. He loves the church actually, and feels the spirit very strong. He told us that when we visited him and got to know him. It all really comes down to him getting married. The culture is so different today. Marriage seems to be feared. But it is a sacrifice from the mother and Father that blesses the children for sure.

Jeremy is doing all right. Their daughter is now starting to loose her hair. He really does like our visits. We taught him a quick lesson on the plan of Slavation. He said that he would have to think about it a little bit for sure

It was a good week for sure! The driving here Mother is a bit crazy. I have gotten use to the left side of the rd, so I will have to readjust when I come back! Where we live and serve particular, there is a big shopping mall and lots of traffic. There are some dodgy drivers that love sinking their petal down and then slam the brakes once they have reached the red light as the finish line. Simply put driving is never the sane in any country. They are more like Americans though to put it simple.

The picture of us on the grass is when we had a bit of a picnic, we cooked some rice, grabbed some flavoured cans of tuna, and enjoyed watching the rowers do their thing for lunch.

Also I just want to thank everyone that wrote a note in the Christmas Package:
Madelyn-Thanks for hug! and the monkey stickers!
Eric-thanks for the hug as well!
Sister Jarvis thank you for your kindness, I will use it carefully. The mission is busy!
Graham-Thanks for the pencil drawing wish I could meet you now!
Lange Family-Thanks so much for the note!
Benjamin Ray-Thanks for the great picture!
Aunt Anette-Thank you for the letter, sounds like you guys are having great adventures!
Maggie Ray- Thank you for the wonderful note!
Uncle Riley and Aunt Rachel for the note about their family!
Lucy Ray- Tahnk you for the Christmas Reed!
Aunt Kim-Thank you for letting me know how the family is doing exciting things are happening!
Udy Fam- It is great to hear from you guys! Thanks for sending a note!
Grandpa-Thank you grandpa miss you lots!
Fomby Fam- Thank you for the note you sent it was great getting to know you guys!
Brother Jake Davis- Thank you for the note about your mission I do appreciate it.
The Scott Fam, Travis, Kirenia, Aden, Antonio, Atticus, and Alexander for the fun art you sent!
And thank you Elder and Sister Clark as well!

Love you all!

Elder Ward

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