Sunday, December 6, 2015

30 November 2015 - Chicken the Pox

This week was pretty interesting. We had a missionary come down with
Chicken Pox... He ended up staying in our flat while we stayed in other
Elders flat we could avoid having him around to many missionaries. There
was one Elder out of the 2 companionship that was not vaccinated, so he was
most likely to get it. I have been vaccinated, so I haven't been to
concerned about getting it. But there where thoughts going through my head
like what if I got it and I could not fly home?...extension? Haha. Everyone
is healthy though now. The Elder that was sick was so happy to get out of
the flat. He was in there for nearly a whole week!

Anyways, this week we have been working hard as usual. We have been
diligent with working with some of the same people despite them not
progressing as much as we envision for them. We are always seeking to
help them in anyway. I think the best thing for them is to simply just
feel the Spirit.
It is the spirit that softens peoples hearts changes desires. We do through
sharing meaningful thoughts, and inviting them to act.

We had an awesome lesson with Tekani one of our most solid progressing
investigators. His Father George is LA, however he has been coming back
really strong! His love and support for his son has made it an amzing
experience for us to teach them both together. We often have lessons at the
chapel, but even better is the family that is fellowshipping them. We have
had a FHE with them and the Spirit is so strong when the members are the
ones leading the FHE and helping the investigators know what it is like to
live the gospel in their lives. This week though we taught the 3rd
lesson in PMG. It was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was awesome! We
invited to Takani to be baptized, however though they did not commit
to a Solid date to them wanting to be more ready. We assured them that
they would be and that as they pray, and continue to learn they will
know it is right for them and the desire will be there. We are excited
and prayerful for it. We hope that on the 5th or the 12th things will
be in order for the Baptism.

I think that I will have to leave it at that for this week.

No pictures this week sorry. We are at a different e-mail shop and I
don't trust the computers.

Looks like you guys had a great time in Rome! Boy that must have been
interesting. The Temple is looking good too. I remember 2 years ago I
took a selfy in fornt of it and it was no where near where it is now!
Very cool.

Love You all,
Elder Ward

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