It has come. As all things do in this world, to an end! Thankfully this is a happy one. In a way I don't feel as if it is really ending. I hope that I can apply the same work effort when I come home.
But first the week... This week was a challenge. As I have mentioned in the last e-mails, our area has seemed to get tougher to work in. I have seen this happen before on my mission. I have experienced just about everything that a missionary can go through on his mission. The only solution is to keep working with faith and diligence. We didn't have too much success, however though it simply felt good to go out and work. Talk to people and keep visiting those that are still in need of help. So that was our success!
Tekani and George are doing well. We have had to read just the goal for him getting baptized on the 26th of December which is his Birthday! It should be just right. Last weekend didn't work out because of a Ward Christmas party, and things simply could not be pulled together quick enough. The 19th doesn't work to well either due to a Stake Temple trip on the 19th where many of the Recent Converts are going to be going to the Temple in the first. The 26th seemed to us like the best day. It doesn't hurt to add a bit more preparation as well. By setting the goal though, we where able to draw out an important concern. Tekani's mother, is not a member, and she is against the church in many ways. She is the legal guardian for him too. According to George, she does not want him to be baptized into the church... Nothing a bit of fasting and praying can't help out with. We will be looking into a bit more to see what we can do to help it happen on the 26th. George is a great guy, it is amazing to see the love that he has for his Son. I love how George does his own studies, he takes notes on the commitments that we give him as well! We love hearing about what he has learned. Sometimes George can take the stage during the lessons, however we remind ourselves that he is just as important as Tekani and that we should help him just as much. Ultimately, by strengthening George, Tekani will get there for sure. I am not disappointed in the least bit that it did not work out. Something that I have knew but learned well on my mission is that we cannot base our success as missionaries on the number of Baptisms that we accomplish. It comes down to us feeling the Spirit as we work, and our own personal commitment to fulfil what the first Presidency expects of us and ultimately the Lord. The best thing we can do is live the gospel as fully as we can and then invite people to learn about what makes our lives so rich!
This week we also had a chance to go down to the New Zealand Hamilton Temple. It was a choice experience and I am grateful for the chance that I had to go at the end of my mission as well. It was a great opportunity to reflect on what I learned on my mission and the things that I had accomplished. I didn't need to do it in the Temple, but I had a chance to give an accounting to the Lord in the Temple so why not? That is one thing that I have learned on my mission. We are accountable to the Lord in everything we do. This is his time that he has given us to be here on earth. We should use it to accomplish his will! He can do so much more with our lives, than our selves alone. Keeping his commandments make us free, and preserve our agency. Repenting of our sins relieves our spirits of the great burden it carries and weighs us down with. The scriptures are amazing and they teach us, and testify that the Gospel is real and that our Father in Heaven loves us. It is no secret, God wants us to know this, and he is sending his servants, all around the world to declare it! I am grateful to have been one of his instruments!
Some would say it is a incredible Sacrifice. I would say it is a privilege to be something that is weak, and be made strong. D&C 1:18-28
I look forwards to seeing you guys in person and getting to hug yous once again. I look forwards to the time that we will be able to spend with one another again! It will be amazing! Love You all!
Elder Ward
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